Tips to brand your website 网站建设的建议 · Include your logo in all pages. Position it at the top left or each page. 确保每张网页的左上方出现logo。 · Complement your logo with a tagline or catchy sentence that summarizes your business purpose. For example "Always low prices" is the tagline for Wal-Mart. logo旁边出现标语或者是介绍企业特点的语言,比如说,“天天平价”是沃尔玛的标语。 · Create a favicon. A favicon is that small graphic that appears next to the URL in the address bar. 创建favicon。Favicon就是出现在地址栏URL旁边的图形。 · Have a consistent look and feel in all your pages. Use a color scheme and layout that are clearly recognized across your site. 所有外观网页设计要一致。网站的颜色、布局要一致。 · Have an About Us section, that includes all relevant information about you and your business. 网站设置“联系我们”板块,包含所有关于你与公司的相关信息。 · Include a copyright statement at the bottom of each page. 网页底部包含版权信息。 Tips on website navigation 网站导航系统 · Design your pages to load in less than 10 seconds (50Kb maximum size, including pictures). 网页下载时间控制在10秒之内(50kb,包括图片)。 · Group your navigational options in relevant categories. 相关的导航内容放在一起。 · Use common names for your menu options: Home, About Us, Contact Us, Help, Products. Avoid "clever" or "trendy" alternatives. 菜单栏选项使用常用的名称:主页,关于我们,联系我们,帮助,产品,避免出现时尚、流行的选项。 · If your site uses Flash, provide also an HTML version for users who prefer a less fancy, faster site. 如果网站利用Flash,确保出现HTML版本,有些用户不喜欢眩目的网站。